Axis Tank Interiors set (Lifecolor)

This is the Lifecolor CS-22 paint set, with colors for ‘Axis Tank Interiors’.

Axis Tank Interior set


  • German Oxid Rot, RAL 3009 (UA 231)
  • German Elfenbein, RAL 1015 (UA 232)
  • German Graugrün, RAL 7009 (UA 233)
  • Lichtblau, RAL 5012 (UA 234)
  • Rosso Minio, RAL 2001 (UA 235)
  • Bianco Avorio (UA 236)

German Tanks set 2 (Lifecolor)

This is the Lifecolor CS-03 paint set, with colors for ‘German Tanks’.

German Tanks set 2


  • Schwartzgrau/Panzergrau, RAL 7021 (UA 207)
  • Anthrazitgrau, RAL 7016 (UA 208)
  • Signalbraun, RAL 8002 (UA 209)
  • Dunkelbraun, RAL 7017 (UA 210)
  • Rotbraun, RAL 8012 (UA 211)
  • Graugrün/Khakibraun, RAL 7008 (UA 212)